Sunday, September 21, 2008

Something Related to Film

Film is really amazing when you think about it because it captures something that's not real, and makes it look completely real. It brings music and color to everything in a realistic scene. And the scene seems real and magical.
Life should be like a film, with highlights and climaxes and drama. There should be happy endings and romantic moments that feel surreal. Tradgedy, irony, and suspense.
But life is better than a film because it is something real. It is more than better because it's something you can't capture. Cameras try to, but it isn't the same. There's mystery and uncertainty in things that we can't predict like a movie.
So I love film for what it can do and what it aspires to do.
But I also love it for what it can't.


Avery said...

dear pen pal aka (ima guna depantzu),
I am spending the whole class on this comment just so you know. I want to talk to you and i know youll get this cause youll be blogging later! lets hang out today? tomorrow im going to the wild game so i do not know about lunds. unless we went right after school. which might be impossiable...................but how has your day been? highs? lows? hopefully your high list is longer. bahahahahaha...damn i wore my uggs today and they make my feet stink like a mo fo. i feel like everyone around me can smell it and is gagging on the inside. WEll gots to get gone.
pen pal (aka) doug

Kate said...

Your blog was really well said! I love your deep point of view, I haven't ever looked at films like that but I totally agree with everything you wrote. So bravo bravo *round of applause* legit.